John T. Hanks
“I am Sorry You did not Think Differently”
To John T. Hanks
Dear John Springfield, Ills. Sep. 24, 1860
Your letter of July 22— was received a few days ago. If your Father and Mother desire you to come home, it is a delicate matter for me to advise you not to do it. Still, as you ask my advice, it is that if you are doing well, you better stick to it. If you have a good start there, and should give it up, you might not get it again, here, or elsewhere. It can not be other than their first wish that you shall do well.
And now, as to politics, I am very much obliged to you for what you offer to do for me in Oregon. This side of the Rocky Mountains things appear reasonably well for the general result. In opposing David Logan, at the late congressional election in Oregon, I suppose you did what you thought was right; and when a man does what he thinks is right, he does the best he can. Still, I am sorry you did not think differently, as I knew David from his childhood, and he studied law in our office when his father and I were partners.
I heard from our relations over at Charleston, about three weeks ago, and they were well then.
Write me again when you receive this. Your Uncle
-Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 4, edited by Roy P. Basler et al.